RaPET Serology

Immunoassay Kits

The RaPET range of immunoassay kits from Stanbio Chemistry include tests for C-Reactive Protein,  Rheumatoid Factor and Syphilis. Using RaPET (Rapid Particle Enhanced Technology) routine latex agglutination procedures provide results from serum samples within two minutes. RaPET tests feature “no dilution” technology which eliminates the need to pre-dilute patient samples. This saves time in the laboratory and reduces dilution errors to a minimum.

  • ​Superior macroagglutination
  • Color-coded caps that save time and minimize errors
  • ​Results within two minutes for Antistreptolysin-O, C-Reactive Protein and Rheumatoid Factor​
  • ASO, CRP and RF available in packs of 50 and 100
  • RPR Quicktest available in packs of 100 and 500
  • Syphilis Tri-level controls (VDRL/RPR) available as 3 x 5 mL bottles


Serologic tests are performed on blood samples to identify the presence of antibodies. They can involve a variety of techniques completed within the laboratory. Serology is also used to confirm infections that can be difficult to identify by other methods.

There are different kinds of serologic tests. Our range of testing equipment can be viewed below.

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